, the Al-Anon Information Service of the Delaware Valley
Tribute to Mary R
Zoom Tips for Beginners
These meetings are back to meeting LIVE (or a hybrid): Back to Live/Hybrid

NOTE ALL AISDV DONATIONS should be sent to:
AISDV, Inc. 4021 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Please indicate whether this is for an individual donation or for your specific group.

We thank Al-Anon individuals and groups for donations.

Per Al-Anon’s 7th Tradition, AISDV does not accept financial help from anyone outside the fellowship and AISDV service area.
Our service area includes Berks, Bucks,Chester, Delaware, Montgomery,Philadelphia, and part of Schuylkill County in Pennsylvania.

We rely completely on members and groups in our service area to sustain our work, which is to help families and friends of alcoholics.
Please see Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual for limits on giving.

Whatever method you choose, whatever amount you can give, thank you from the AISDV!

General: FOR ZOOM/REMOTE MEETINGS - click on "MEETING LINK" (in blue) which are on the meeting list under the meeting name.

AISDV Announce List - Be the First to Know!
The Announce List is a service that lets Al-Anon members exchange information about program-related items such as new Meetings, Anniversaries, Workshops, Conventions and other events; changes to planned events or normally scheduled meetings; reminders of deadlines; breaking news, and so on.

Sign up for AISDV Announcements
Submit an Item to the Announce List
Announce List Guidelines

Announce List Guidelines

Here are some guidelines to help you, the Al-Anon member, better understand the AISDV Announce List.

  • The Announce List is an opt-in service managed by automated software. This means that each person must subscribe on their own. AISDV cannot add anyone's email to the list.
  • Announce List posts are restricted to Al-Anon-related items only.
  • Items submitted via the form below are posted to the AISDV website and/or shared via the Announce List at the discretion of the AISDV Web Coordinator.
  • Use the form below to inform local members of any of the following:
    • Items for the AISDV Calendar;
    • Last-minute changes to arrangements for - including cancellation of - an event;
    • Temporary cancellation of an Al-Anon Meeting;
    • Any other announcement or breaking news for which there is no other listed contact person at the AISDV website.
For Officers & Coordinators with posting privileges:
  • Do NOT attach flyers; instead write the relevant information in the body of the email. (Messages over 40K will be rejected.)
  • If you need to include a flyer or other document, send a pdf of the file to the Webmaster with a request for a link, then include the link you receive in your message. (If you need to convert a document to a pdf, forward it to the Web Coordinator.)
  • Make sure the subject line of the message is relevant to the message content.
Sign up for AISDV Announcements
To join the Announce List, enter your email address and click Join. You are not signed up until you reply to the confirmation email you will receive. If you do not see the confirmation email, check your spam folder. Every email from the Announce List will contain instructions for unsubscribing.

Enter email:
Please enter this security code* 20023

Submit an Item to the Announce List and/or Calendar

Your Name
Message* (Use items you need, leave the rest blank)
Check this box if you have a flyer to submit. If so, you will receive an email shortly requesting the flyer as an attachment.
Please enter this security code* 45339

*required fields

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