, the Al-Anon Information Service of the Delaware Valley
Tribute to Mary R
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NOTE ALL AISDV DONATIONS should be sent to:
AISDV, Inc. 4021 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Please indicate whether this is for an individual donation or for your specific group.

We thank Al-Anon individuals and groups for donations.

Per Al-Anon’s 7th Tradition, AISDV does not accept financial help from anyone outside the fellowship and AISDV service area.
Our service area includes Berks, Bucks,Chester, Delaware, Montgomery,Philadelphia, and part of Schuylkill County in Pennsylvania.

We rely completely on members and groups in our service area to sustain our work, which is to help families and friends of alcoholics.
Please see Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual for limits on giving.

Whatever method you choose, whatever amount you can give, thank you from the AISDV!

General: FOR ZOOM/REMOTE MEETINGS - click on "MEETING LINK" (in blue) which are on the meeting list under the meeting name.

Email the Outreach Coordinator

Get Busy to Get Better

Al-Anon and Alateen members are needed to help reach people suffering from the family disease of alcoholism. Typical service opportunities include sharing with families or professionals (medical, educational, legal) or handing out literature and answering questions at health fairs and conferences. More info: InstitutionAl-AnonMeeting.pdf

Get Involved!

Speak at a Rehab
Click for More Info

Public Outreach Tools
There are literally hundreds of different ways that Al-Anon members work to get the word out to those still suffering from the family disease of alcoholism. The items below were developed by AISDV.

Public Outreach Posters

The success of District 7's Annual Fall Workshop,
along withsupport from AISDV, combined to make this
public outreach rail poster program possible.

To help promote Al-Anon/Alateen in our community, these posters were developed for use in churches, libraries, grocery stores, or anywhere there is a public bulletin board. There are multiple versions to choose from. It is suggested that you cut the lines between the tear-offs at the bottom (and optionally - tear off the first one) before posting. Included are 4 Alateen posters. Click on the thumbnails to access the full sized versions for printing.

Would you like to become an AMIAS?
Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (aka 'Alateen Group Sponsor') More Info

A Radio Interview
Chester County AFG members share their experience, strength and hope in an interview with an internet radio station in this audio clip. Listen by downloading onto your computer and from there to your MP3 player or a smart phone.

Audio Segment 1   Audio Segment 2  

The questions used for this interview were adapted from Media Interview Questions developed by WSO and available - along with other helpful materials - at the Al-Anon Media Center.

Public Service Slides - Movie Theater Advertising
AISDV, in conjunction with District 4 (Bryn Mawr Film Institute) and Districts 20 & 32 (Colonial Theater) has run these slides before movies. This is a great way to reach out to the community.


Other Advertising
In 2010 and 2011, respectively, AISDV ran advertising on SEPTA Regional Rail and local busses. The ads were developed from a public outreach bookmark developed by WSO:

Other tools
AISDV split the cost of vinyl banners with a number of Districts in 2011 - do you know where yours is? These are great for use at health fairs and other public events.

Another tool that AISDV has developed are business cards. These are very cost-effective outreach tools that can be given out to newcomers without worrying too much about how many we can afford to distribute.

Outreach to the Media
Would you like to help get information about Al-Anon published in your local paper? From getting your meeting listed in the calendar section to providing articles on the family disease, there are many useful resources in WSO's Al-Anon Media Center.

Try to tie together timely events (holidays, news items, etc.), trends and statistics with localized information to maximize the impact of your efforts.

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